Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Just a quick note to say Happy New Year and Best Wishes to everyone in 2008.
After a great holiday season with lots of good food and drink it is time to turn things up a bit and get serious once again. All things considered, training in December went quite well. Aside from a couple missed runs due to a small strain in my knee I managed to put together a solid three week build. Lots of miles in the pool with Neil, Patrick and the RTC training group here in Victoria.

This past weekend I was out for a 4 hour ride with Jasper. For both of us, this was one of our longest rides since Kona and we were both so tired (and trust me, we were not riding hard) we wondered how we ran off the bike in season. Our last 30 minutes of the ride were occupied by trying to answer the question "who is the greatest athlete (any sport) in our lifetime so far". My answer; Lance Armstrong. Hard to argue with a guy who won 7 Tour De France in a row. Jasper figures it is Roger Federer. Both good answers to a very tough question.

Well, it is 7:30am on January 1st and for the first time in a few years I am not suffering from a killer head ache. Last night was a very low key affair. I watched a few HPR athletes compete in the Run Through Time 5km at UVIC and then had a few Boddington's with Rach and my Dad before hitting the sack at 10am. Quite the change from the keg party's that have taken place in the past.

Time to Hit the ROAD!!



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